
Dynabolon 25 is one of the best muscle building steroids. It is an injectable anabolic product composed of the same substance as Dianabol. It is therefore injectable Dianabol. Allows you to gain muscle quickly.


Type: Injection

Pack: 1 vial 20ml (25mg/ml)

Substance : Methandrostenolone

Manufacturer: British Knight

Methandrostenolone was originally developed by John Ziegler and released by the Ciba company in 1956.

It is the second most popular steroid used today.

Methandrostenolone is arguably one of the best, if not the best product for people who participate in non-aerobic oriented sports activities.

It promotes drastic protein synthesis, improves glycogenolysis (replenishment of glycogen after exercise) and boosts strength in a very direct and fast-acting way.

It is perhaps less useful to those participating in aerobic events as it also decreases cellular respiration.

But methandrostenolone manifests itself in distinct ways: rapid and fast-acting buildup of strength and mass is noticed.

This is why it is often used at the beginning of the cycle consisting most of the time like injectable testosterone 250 and 300 and nandrolone.

As the effects of these drugs are not fully active for the first 10-15 days, methandrostenolone is used to provide immediate and noticeable results.

It has a rather weak androgenic component and an obviously very strong and very anabolic component.

Its effects are largely non-AR mediated, which is documented by its rather weak influence on the natural endocrine system and the fact that it decreases rather than increases red blood cell content.

Which means especially in the short term, individuals need not fear the dramatic shut down of natural testosterone production, as is often the case with highly androgenic compounds. Of course, this effect is dose-dependent. It still has a mild androgenic component, meaning at high doses (30 + mg per day) to androgenic hormones side effects can be noted (acne, male pattern hair loss).

Lower doses taken several times a day would provide better results and maximum use of the steroid.

Dynabolon 25 is simply very effective at low doses (25-40 mg per day).

If we take into account that the half-life of methandrostenolone in the body is only 3-6 hours, this theory makes even more sense.

So taking your daily dose spread over 3 or 4 doses may elicit a better effect than just 1 or 2 doses.

Methandrostenolone is very effective in such low doses by the way.

Milligram for milligram, it is more potent than a testosterone ester, generally considered the best mass-builder.

A few notes should be made though.

Not everyone should try to spread their doses over several servings.

First of all there is a slightly lower efficiency to consider here as well due to two characteristics.

The first being that you feed the full amount to the liver in smaller portions, but the liver to metabolize still manages the same amount.

Percentage wise which means less methandrostenolone would totally through it.

The second would be that the peak levels are not as high since no large doses are taken at once.

These two facts make it difficult to recommend that anyone take multiple doses.

People taking moderate to low doses of methandrostenolone ONLY should probably opt for a single morning dose.

This delivers a higher level of rush and more survivability than your single steroid.

It also, due to the short half-life, makes the drug clear the body before the body produces its greatest dose of natural testosterone, the first few hours of sleep.

Combined with the already mild AR effect, you can retain a fair amount of your gains when using appropriate post cycle therapy drugs such as HCG, clomiphene or tamoxifen.

For those using it in conjunction with other, mostly injectable steroids, and two doses seems to be the best choice, if you are taking more than 40mg a day maybe even three doses.

This is usually the case for fast-acting substances, they have short half-lives.

Which brings us to the point of duration?

The general consensus is that methandrostenolone should never be used for more than 6 weeks in a row due to its strong hepatotoxic effects.

Being largely an oral compound, it is also 17-alpha-alkylated to help it survive the liver on first pass.

Liver values ​​are elevated over a short period of time, making long term use a very dangerous affair.

Liver values ​​should return to normal after discontinuation fairly quickly though, since the effects are so short-lived.

Other risks associated with the use of methandrostenolone include estrogen side effects, as it interacts rather well with the aromatizing enzyme due to its methylated properties. It is therefore best used in conjunction with an anti-estrogen.

Gynocomastia, high blood pressure, salt and water retention and mild cases of acne are therefore not uncommon.

Its methylated properties (17-methyl group) does possess several positive characteristics, of course. The main purpose is to ensure that less of methandrostenolone is affected by liver failure when taken orally.

But apparently it also decreases the drug's affinity to SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin), a sex steroid binding protein that takes up as much as 98% of testosterone, and one that cannot be used testosterone to build muscle.

Since methandrostenolone does not bind to this protein easily, it is quite an active substance, no doubt accounting for its rapid and immediately visible action.

Dynabolon 25 also does not affect high cholesterol levels at moderate doses, and it appears to help an athlete stock up on potassium. This is especially beneficial when considering how much sodium its estrogenic effects store.

We are referring to the short period of activity methandrostenolone possesses.

This means that despite its immediate, rapid and explosive gains in strength and mass, they are quite difficult to maintain.

Often most mass is lost soon after stopping, making it more unsuitable for those looking to gain and retain quality muscle.

This is why British Pharmaceutical Knight, have produced Dynabolon 25, as an injectable product can remove some of these obviously imperfect characteristics.

In light of the evidence presented, we conclude that the best use for methandrostenolone is short term, for 5-6 weeks, at the start of a longer bulking stack (10+ weeks), preferably injectable, to kick start the early and strength gains.

Its effects are largely non-AR mediated and it aromatizes very well which leaves partners with limited stacking, the best candidates are of course nandrolone and testosterone 300 250 or Sustanon 250. It should be taken in doses not exceeding 50 mg (20-40 mg being normal), single morning dose.

Stacking and use:

Dynabolon 25 is a methylated compound with definite toxicity, so in the interest of safety you use it no longer than 6 weeks, 8 weeks at the absolute maximum and only under the supervision of a medical professional who can monitor your liver values.

Because it aromatizes heavily it's not particularly useful when cutting and with 6-8 weeks of peak usage, but that leaves two options.

Either its a stacking, injectable, compound that can be used for longer durations (starting the stack when another compound is least active) or you would do multiple short cycles. In this case, one could remove at least as long as it was on the course of a cycle, preferably longer. Like 6 weeks, followed by 60 to 10 weeks off.

When stacking with a long-acting product, such as testosterone or Sustanon 250, nandrolone or Boldenone 300 300, the best use is at the start of the stack.

Dynabolon 25 is very fast acting and since the majority of injectable steroids only really start to work after 2-3 weeks, this makes it particularly useful for starting a cycle.

Its most easily stacked with Nandrolone or Boldenone 300 300.

Usually an injection of 300 – 600 mg/week combined with 25 – 50 mg of Dynabolon 50 days.

In some cases testosterone has been used in conjunction with anyone of these stacks.


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